
Inspiration - Vanley burke and Tim Joplin

Drafted February 2009

I first saw the work of Vanley burke when I attend the Feed seminar night back in April 2008. Now seeing him again in the feed studio working with the 2nd year hnd students, has inspired me to go back and look at some of the photos I took at the resent Handsworth riot of 2006.

To me Documentary photography is capturing the essence of the moment within the photography without having it staged. I remember whist I was taking these photographs the feeling of tension I felt within my body.

Tim Joplin’s photography I feel show the intimacy of people. Looking at his photographs you can almost feel the warmth of love and emotions. I think they work better in black and white as opposed the colour prints.

These photographs are seen more as art than pornography. I have asked my girlfriend if she would pose for me in a similar action, but still awaiting an answer. However do not watch this space for details.

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