
EUREKA - eureka

Drafted April 2009

Through my part time job in the security industry, I meet a variety of people from different walks of life. As there is often a lot of alcohol consumed by them on a night out, they are often in the spirit to bare the souls. Tonight, a lady approx 37 years old, walked in that I have not apparently seen for over 19 months. She proceeded to inform me; in this time she has undergone a course of radiotherapy treatment after being diagnosed with two-brain tumour.

As someone who was to remain level headed and in control of any potential hazards within the premises, I was pretty taken back by speaking to her. To look at her you could not tell she was hiding such a deep secret.

Throughout the remainder of the night I have thought of nothing else but to try and imagine how it must be to have to live with that news.

Imagine being faced with that situation, is it time to start looking at your lifestyle and try and think what you could have don’t differently? Wonder when and where your were to catch the virus, did you do something to deserve it?

Well count yourself lucky if you haven’t been hit wit a illness yet and think what you can do to make life easier for those who have.

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