
FMP – Asbo’s - News report #1

I saw this local news report on anti social behaviour. At the end of the first report, it is stated the youths that were the initial problem have how gone on to studies or employment. They did refuse to be interviewed. My thoughts are how do they feel about the way that behaved now they have got older? Why was the reason they would not appear in the interview?

The second report focuses on the police organising events in the community to keep youth off the street (in this case a boxing club). When interviewing one of the young participants says attending this program “keeps my off the streets” and goes on to say “and stops me from doing bad things basically”.

Whilst I agree with youth need activities to develop them, I don’t agree with it being the responsibility of the police to find them something to do. Why are the parents of these youths not taking responsibility for their children? Is it not the parents that should be responsible to education them to respect and have manors towards others?


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