
FMP – Asbo’s - News report #1

I saw this local news report on anti social behaviour. At the end of the first report, it is stated the youths that were the initial problem have how gone on to studies or employment. They did refuse to be interviewed. My thoughts are how do they feel about the way that behaved now they have got older? Why was the reason they would not appear in the interview?

The second report focuses on the police organising events in the community to keep youth off the street (in this case a boxing club). When interviewing one of the young participants says attending this program “keeps my off the streets” and goes on to say “and stops me from doing bad things basically”.

Whilst I agree with youth need activities to develop them, I don’t agree with it being the responsibility of the police to find them something to do. Why are the parents of these youths not taking responsibility for their children? Is it not the parents that should be responsible to education them to respect and have manors towards others?



FMP – Inspiration stand - #1

I saw this stand used for an exhibition at Birmingham Museum Art Gallery to house an "Obama's people" exhibition.

The interactive stand for the exhibition was like stepping into another within the room of the gallery.

The original frame was plain white on the outside. The inside was painted black with photographs on the walls. If the walls had been covered in floral wallpaper, the wall lights above each picture would make it feel like you were in a stately home or a family living room.

I think developing this simple construction could give the feeling of removing the viewer from an exhibition to a private show. I think this could stimulate a more intimated and thought provoking exhibition.

I just hope the work i exhibit is better than the photography displayed here.


Brief – Reform – animation_v2

Sorry I could not help it. I had to try a style I am familiar with.

This is the start of an animation where the footprint steps on the board. It took me a third of the time to do this that the other (and this had nothing to do with the software).

Whilst working on this though it made me realise the need to try the other style.


Brief – Reform – animation_v1

This is not my normal way of designing, I usually like things to manoeuvre in a humanistic flow. I was thinking to try something different and random for this brief as it started that way with the sketchbook work.

As I chose to draw a running shoe for my item, it made me analyse what I think about whilst running. The truth is I think about anything but running. Random thought just pop in and out of my head to take the pain away.


Brief – Reform – collage

Some starting attempt to merge the trainer with the bishop.

Started with the easier piece in Cinema 4D, One down, one to go

Inspiration - Mainframe

I often look back at the work Mainframe has produced.

When I first saw their Sony PSP advert "Shape the world"I was blown away.

On close breakdown of this piece I could figure out how some of it was produces using mixed media. The part I particularly like was the stock motion photography of the audio equalizer and the movement of the chairs and furniture around the room. Some parts I still wonder about.

Iv seen the comedy central idents and wondered how they were done.

I never realised Mainframe was behind them, further more they have added put the breakdown online.

Thank you Mainframe.


Brief - Print - lino cut

Lino prints are a form of relief print. A relief print means that the area of the block that is printed is in relief, i.e. it is raised up on the block.

Howard Towll is a UK based printmaker how uses the lino print technique.



Taking an image of a face cut into four quadrants I intend to recreate each using a different traditional print technique. This is the first quadrant using lino cut process.

First cut ready for first print colour.

Second cut ready for second print colour.

Brief – Reform – pairing

Drafted 8th October 2009

For this Reform brief we were required to be paired randomly with another member in the group. My pairing was with Rohann whose object was a bishop chess piece. Interesting combination – running shoe and chess piece.

My first thoughts are a clash of

both physical and mental ability …

Brief – Reform – launch

Drafted October 2009

For my item to draw for the reform project I have decided to draw a pair of trainers. This reason for this is running, as been a large part of my activities lately as I have been entering half marathons to raise money for charity.

I pay homage to these trainers as they have taken me through my first two half marathons and hopefully through my next on 11 October 2009. If they make it through I don’t think they will be in a fit state to do a fourth.

I chose to draw only the left trainer, as this is the one that causes most discomfort whilst running.

Where were you?

Drafted 26th June 2009

24 hours after the news broke about Michael Jackson’s death the feeling has still not registered to me. I’m in a bar and the dj is playing tributes to him by playing his music.

It was about 23:00 yesterday when my girlfriend text me saying Michael Jackson has died. I was sitting at my pc working with the TV on in the background. The 22:00 news had just finished and there was no mention of it so I just thought it was a sick text joke doing the rounds. I deleted it and carried on working.

About 20mins later she text again and told me to put the news on. I dint reply to her, instead I just looked trough the available cable news channels and Internet sites to find nothing. At this point I called her to tell her some one was joking with her. She knows I was a big MJ fan from my childhood. When she could get a word in sideways, she told me to log onto www.tmz.com where I saw the news breaking for myself

It’s hard to imagine a world without MJ, and I’d never met him!

Inspiration - Creative review - Craig ward

Drafted June 2009

I walked into WH Smiths for my normal graphic magazine, but was drawn to this computer arts issue by the image on its cover.

The feature is on London based designer and illustrator Craig Ward. He teamed up with jason Tozer to photograph his vision of breaking glass.

Twenty sheets of screen-printed 7mm glass were used in the execution of the images.

I would like to produce this type of imagery at some point. My interest in photography is a great attraction to this image.


Random thought #2

Drafted 30th May 2009

Tickets on exit doors. Rip off a ticket as exiting. Ticket has collective image of face on one side and phrase on the other side (Chinese crackers).

Drawing T-junction in the road.

Video Scene 1 - Footage of family playing together. Key person keyed out in black silhouette.

Q. - What would they do without ?/?/? (You/them/her).

Scene 2 - Person from scene 1 still blacked out and seen committing a crime.

Message can be attached to blacked out person. I.e. black image containing white text. “It’s your choice”

FMP Proposal

EUREKA - eureka

Drafted April 2009

Through my part time job in the security industry, I meet a variety of people from different walks of life. As there is often a lot of alcohol consumed by them on a night out, they are often in the spirit to bare the souls. Tonight, a lady approx 37 years old, walked in that I have not apparently seen for over 19 months. She proceeded to inform me; in this time she has undergone a course of radiotherapy treatment after being diagnosed with two-brain tumour.

As someone who was to remain level headed and in control of any potential hazards within the premises, I was pretty taken back by speaking to her. To look at her you could not tell she was hiding such a deep secret.

Throughout the remainder of the night I have thought of nothing else but to try and imagine how it must be to have to live with that news.

Imagine being faced with that situation, is it time to start looking at your lifestyle and try and think what you could have don’t differently? Wonder when and where your were to catch the virus, did you do something to deserve it?

Well count yourself lucky if you haven’t been hit wit a illness yet and think what you can do to make life easier for those who have.

Inspiration - Vanley burke and Tim Joplin

Drafted February 2009

I first saw the work of Vanley burke when I attend the Feed seminar night back in April 2008. Now seeing him again in the feed studio working with the 2nd year hnd students, has inspired me to go back and look at some of the photos I took at the resent Handsworth riot of 2006.

To me Documentary photography is capturing the essence of the moment within the photography without having it staged. I remember whist I was taking these photographs the feeling of tension I felt within my body.

Tim Joplin’s photography I feel show the intimacy of people. Looking at his photographs you can almost feel the warmth of love and emotions. I think they work better in black and white as opposed the colour prints.

These photographs are seen more as art than pornography. I have asked my girlfriend if she would pose for me in a similar action, but still awaiting an answer. However do not watch this space for details.

Creative review - Fallon

Drafted December 2008

Fallon are the London based agency behind such TV commercials as:

Cadburys – eyebrows, gorilla, trucks

Sony – bravia balls, paint, play doh,

Orange – rock corps, mark Beaumont,

Asda – Victoria Woods, Ian Wright,

Their work shows diversity in the media tools used and the multiplicity in their thinking. I like the way and scale of thinking shown in their work by using a disused tower block to make the Sony paint advert, then the concept of using a gorilla to advertise chocolate.

Some of their work uses computer manipulation but you can also see how some simply use real life motion.

Creative review - Josh Cole

Drafted November 2008

I saw this image whist looking through the Creative review photograph annual 2008. I like photography as it can capture so much emotion and feeling of the time within just the image. There in no text or graphics on these photos but by looking at them stirs your own emotions. These photos made me start to wonder about the emotions these people have and made me want to look into their eyes.

Although these images were staged for this shoot, in reality these people would live like this. To them this photo shoot was properly a way of showing off or enhancing their power amongst their community.

I bet these people did not just decide one day this is the life they wanted to live, I believe it’s often a result of something missing in their lives.

This type of photography flues the media fire of teenage gangs. But the question needs to be asked, “Whilst these

people are out in this way, I wonder what their parents are doing?”

One day these people will look back at these, I wonder what they will be thinking then? What value did they place on their own lives then and in the future?

Who is Dada?

Drafted November 2008

Whilst looking through some books in the central library, I came across “Art history” by Paul Duro & Michael Greehalgh. I found this book easy to manage; its layout was simplistic and not too heavy in its section.

I always thought Dada was another artist along side Picasso and Rembrandt. I was surprised to read it was an anti art movement of the early 1900’s.

The name Dada (to represent the movement) is said to have been selected randomly from the dictionary. It actually means hobbyhorse or Gee-gee in French.

Seeking refuge from the First World War, Dada was founded by a poet (Tristan Tzara), artist (Hans Arp) and writer (Hugo Ball).

The style of Dada is anti-rational, challenging the values of beauty in art at the time. Random object juxtaposed to each other would shock the viewer. Marcel Duchamp’s work in 1913 of a bicycle fork with front wheel mounted upside-down on a wooden stool was one such piece of the time. Today this type of art would not be thought of as different or controversial.

The Dada movement developed into the birth of the Surrealism movement by 1923.


Random thought #1

Drafted 3rd October 2008

- All people lead back to one.

- Hands – greetings, fingerprints, tracing bloodlines.

- Faces – different faces from around the world, multiple id twins - Michael Jackson video [black or white] – all faces blend from one to another.

- Elephants / Lions – tribal cave drawings (style of drawing)



Drafted September 2008

I originally saw these animations produced in 2003 by American design company MK12 some years ago. Every now and then I like to look back at them as they inspire me to even achieve work like this. I can see how easy it would be to produce this type of animation using a camcorder (or 2) Photoshop and After effects.

Taking the principles used here, through the use of still imagery and camera movement, I think interesting animations can still be made this way.


Fear of the FMP.....

Drafted August 2008

For the past two years I have been aware of the Final Major Project (FMP) required at the end of the HND course. I feel I missed an opportunity to make an impact at end of my BTEC course.

Being given an open brief, I found was one of the most difficult things as I was left to my own devices and foresight. Ever possible idea that came to me I automatically ruled out and did not give it a chance to develop. With this in mind, and not even enrolled for my first year of the HND course, I have decided to look around at what art, social, environmental or personal issues can be drawn upon to effect my successful completion of the FMP.

Over the next twelve months I hope to capture my random thoughts and evolve them into something that will hopefully make an impact visually, emotionally or thought provoking.


Why have a comments box?

Iv had this blogspot now for 4 months. I purposely put this image up with out any text hoping it would generate some comments. Iv had several people ask me about the image verbally but no one has made any comments online…………...

I though the point of having a comments area was for this?