
Live – WMP - Initial idea #2


Birmingham city centre is often a hive of activity. People are rushing to shop, work or commute. Information signs are often not seen unless it is purposely wanted in the event of a person becoming lost to their next location.

In touching on this theme a 30 second bulletin needs to compact as much information as possible to the viewer.

Animation style

The style of the animation is to use familiar locations around the city as a memory stimulant. The idea is by using these locations the viewer can quickly relate and focus on the content of the scene.

By juxtaposing different media styles from that not normally seen in everyday city life should help to capture the viewers attention.

Film would be used as the base media. The film is to start at one such familiar location and passing through approximately 6 locations around the city returning back to the first.

In between these locations the film speed will bet increased so the route is just visible.

At each location (where the film speed would return to normal) would be the interjection of the second media, paint, stencil, pen and wash or vector graphics. Within this scene would be placed an element of financial value positioned unattended. These elements would be such things as mobile phones, cameras, wallets, laptops, keys etc.

On-screen text information appearing in the style of kinetic text entering at different angles and font weights to emphasise key words.


The police crest would constantly be positioned in the lower corner of the screen.

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