
Live - Sense - Initial ideas


When normally sighted people hear someone is blind, the first thought is usually – a person can’t see a thing and like in a world of pitch darkness. The same can be said when someone in announced as def, the first reaction is they cant hear a thing.

This is often not the case. Someone can be medically certified as blind, but still see light and dark shapes. Likewise a def person may still hear sounds even though they may be muted or muffled.

Animation style

The style of the animation is to shoot live footage in a cinema verite style of normal everyday situations most normally sighted people take for granted.

The first part of the animation would be blurred so that the shape and movement can be seen but only ad blocks of colour and the audio would be muffled and at lower volume.

The second half of the animation would be a repeat of the first half but this time the scene and audio would be clear showing the potential hazardous environments.

Set locations

• Crossing a road where the viewer looks right and left but failed to see or hear the oncoming car as it sounds its’ horn.

• A fire on a couch started by a cigarette. The viewer sees the dancing of the red. Yellow and orange shapes. The home fire alarm is sounded but is muffled and muted.

• Out shopping where the colours are vibrant and the audio is low pitch. In the snap back the viewer is on a busy market place being pushed about whilst the market tender continues about his sales pitch.

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