
Brief – Animation – Logo test end tag

This is just a thought on how the end tag will enter the animation.

Live - Sense - Traffic_v2

The static effect to the start of the animation is only there as a marker.

The plan is still to use depth of field to create the required effect.

This animation is to test the different end tag.

Live - Sense - Christmas_v1


Live - Sense - Shopping_v1

Brief – Animation - Juggle logo

Alternate ending #2

Brief – Animation - Fight logo

Alternate ending #3

Brief – Animation - Pull logo

Alternate ending #1

Brief – Reform – Final

Live - Sense - Traffic_v1

Live - Sense - Initial ideas


When normally sighted people hear someone is blind, the first thought is usually – a person can’t see a thing and like in a world of pitch darkness. The same can be said when someone in announced as def, the first reaction is they cant hear a thing.

This is often not the case. Someone can be medically certified as blind, but still see light and dark shapes. Likewise a def person may still hear sounds even though they may be muted or muffled.

Animation style

The style of the animation is to shoot live footage in a cinema verite style of normal everyday situations most normally sighted people take for granted.

The first part of the animation would be blurred so that the shape and movement can be seen but only ad blocks of colour and the audio would be muffled and at lower volume.

The second half of the animation would be a repeat of the first half but this time the scene and audio would be clear showing the potential hazardous environments.

Set locations

• Crossing a road where the viewer looks right and left but failed to see or hear the oncoming car as it sounds its’ horn.

• A fire on a couch started by a cigarette. The viewer sees the dancing of the red. Yellow and orange shapes. The home fire alarm is sounded but is muffled and muted.

• Out shopping where the colours are vibrant and the audio is low pitch. In the snap back the viewer is on a busy market place being pushed about whilst the market tender continues about his sales pitch.

Brief – Reform – Animation_v7

Brief - Feed night - Jermaine Francis

Poster designs for the upcoming Feed seminar.

Brief – Zine - Questionnaire

I constructed a questionnaire and uploaded it a Public house website who kindly agreed to take part in this research and the form to be accessed by its visitors.

For a closely watched period over two weeks, a full 300 ml soap dispenser was placed in each male and female toilets ready the business opening on 11:00 on Monday morning. A vertical measurement was taken from the counter surface to the liquid level. Each day this was refilled to 110mm. Throughout the day on the hour these were checked for usage.

During the same two weeks period, a new standard toilet roll was placed in each male and female toilet. At the end of each day a record of the number used was recorded to the value of the closest ¼ roll.

The hours of 9 pm – 3 am Friday and Saturday were pre-established as the bars busy period. Between these hours on the hour a head count was taken of customers.

The questionnaire required visitor to answer the following questions:
1. Gender
2. Date
3. Time of arrival
4. Time of departure
5. Duration
6. Drinks consumed in each hour
7. Toilet visits: Time spent (mins) in each hour

Brief – Reform – Animation_v6

Photography for stop frame

Shoe positioning to running motion.

Chess game.

Shoe rotating.

Brief – Reform – Animation_v5

Combining Cinema4d and after-effects.


Brief – WMP - Final

After collaborating with the client a few minor adjustment were made. This is the final animation.

Brief – Reform – Animation_v4

Experiments with animation in Cinema 4D and the boole tool

Brief – Zine - Keep it flowing

Brief – Animation - Animation_v1

After several cancellations getting into the studio has finally been achieved.

I was in the studio for several hours working on this, wondering how this was going to turn out. What do you think?

Brief – Animation - MIStudio

For this brief I have chosen to use a local photography studio as my client.

After making Initial contact and laying out my proposed intentions and requirements for this brief, my client and I have come up with the following storyboard and script.


The overhead lights of the studio flicker on and off as they warm up. A second of darkness is encountered before they turn on fully. Two floor lights are positioned either side of the frame at different heights, facing different directions.

Both floor lights turn to face the viewer. Left floor light (one) flashes, right floor light (two) slides down to same height as light one.

So I wonder what we’ve got on tonight then?

Well yesterday was busy. In the morning I lit a product shoot and in the evening a family portrait.

Well we are adaptable to any situation.

Digital camera enters the frame from the bottom position. Floor light one rotates down to greet it in a friendly manor.

Evening all – tonight’s session is a model evening, one of our own.

Oh she’s here, get ready

Soft box and ceiling light enter the frame from either side respectively and turn to position on focal point against backdrop.

The overhead studio lights turn off. Ceiling light turn on to set mood spotlight against backdrop.

Camera and floor lights turn to position on focal point.

Model enters from right.

Interaction between the model and a 3d CGI logo.

Live - WMP - Animation_v1

Experiments with partial displacement using After effects cs3.

Brief - Print - Stencil

Bristol born graffiti artist “Banksy” is probably the best know stencil artist. He uses stencil as a quick way of producing some of his artwork in controversial positions.

A quadrant of my image will be produced using the stencil technique.

Brief – Type - Initial ideas

By using photographed images on a walk through Digbeth in Birmingham, I created these 3d blocks.

Brief – Animation - Inspiration #3

Stop frame animation


Unknown creator - latex-vase

Brief – Animation - Inspiration #2



Brief – Feed night – Ian Jones

Poster designs for Ian Jones – Feed night guest speaker.

Version 2

version 4

version 5

Brief – Animation - Inspiration #1

This brief requires me to approach an established company in the community and complete a short motion graphic advertisement for them. This advert should promote their services and end with their end tag. I have started looking at different ways mixed media can be used in advertising.



Brief – Animation - Flipbook final

click to play.....

Brief – Type - Digbeth walk

A selection of the photographs takes on a walk in the local region of Birmingham City Centre.

Live – WMP - Initial idea #3


Birmingham city centre is often a hive of activity. People are rushing to shop, work or commute. Information signs are often not seen as a blur against a background of buildings and advertisements.

The theme of this animation would be to use abstract images to suitably inform the general public to be aware of thieves operating in the city centre.

Animation style

Quick rotation through a series of abstract images. These images would bet taken from images of police officers within Birmingham city centre

Overlaid on these images is a line being revealed in a 3d motion. This line represents the line chart of theft within the city centre over a period. As this line reaches data points, the corresponding figure is displayed in type. The final point would be the 29% figure stated as the year to date percentage

The police crest would constantly be positioned in the lower corner of the screen.

Live – WMP - Initial idea #2


Birmingham city centre is often a hive of activity. People are rushing to shop, work or commute. Information signs are often not seen unless it is purposely wanted in the event of a person becoming lost to their next location.

In touching on this theme a 30 second bulletin needs to compact as much information as possible to the viewer.

Animation style

The style of the animation is to use familiar locations around the city as a memory stimulant. The idea is by using these locations the viewer can quickly relate and focus on the content of the scene.

By juxtaposing different media styles from that not normally seen in everyday city life should help to capture the viewers attention.

Film would be used as the base media. The film is to start at one such familiar location and passing through approximately 6 locations around the city returning back to the first.

In between these locations the film speed will bet increased so the route is just visible.

At each location (where the film speed would return to normal) would be the interjection of the second media, paint, stencil, pen and wash or vector graphics. Within this scene would be placed an element of financial value positioned unattended. These elements would be such things as mobile phones, cameras, wallets, laptops, keys etc.

On-screen text information appearing in the style of kinetic text entering at different angles and font weights to emphasise key words.


The police crest would constantly be positioned in the lower corner of the screen.

Live – WMP - Initial idea #1


At the time of the upcoming Christmas period, the opportunity for thieves rises as the public awareness falls in the holiday spirit.

This campaign is focused on informing the public how not to become a victim of such crime by taking a few easy steps into consideration.

Animation style

The style of the animation is to have the graphical text falling in the style of show and settling on the ground.

Faded in the background is the type “29%” in the form of regular snow. This text falls slower than the main text but still visible to be seen falling.

At the end of the animation the police crest falls to be inline with text that will fade up to match “29%”. This new text would read ”City centre theft is down” – “year to date”.

All elements fade away leaving crest. Crest fades away.

Animation text

Be sure to only give the presents you want this year.

· Keep your bag closed and close to you at all times, if possible with the opening towards your body.
· Close your purse and put it away before you leave the till.
Try not to overload yourself with bags and coats.
· Avoid carrying your wallet or purse in a back trouser pocket.
Keep cash secure and out of sight.
· Be discreet when using mobile phones, put them away as soon as you have finished.
· Don’t hang handbags off pushchairs then leave them unattended.
· Try attaching a cat bell to your purse so it jingles if someone takes it out of your pocket or bag.


Added considerations

No sound - Film is that they are intended to be played on screens around the city centre that don’t necessarily have sound.

No flashing images - Flashing images can affect epileptic sufferers.

Short attention - Viewers attention must be grabbed quickly as their main focus will be shopping / travelling / working.