
Live - Greener Birmingham - Pitch_v2

Taking it to the extreme – living green, my concept is to show everyday tasks being preformed by everyday people. Hopefully it will engage the viewer to relate to the situation and think how easy it will be to recycle.

All the props on the set will be green in colour i.e. clothing, utilities or painted green i.e. the actor / actress, food. The set will be lit naturally or be studio lighting if necessary, there should be NO green filters used.


  1. very strange - at least this isn't to do with litter... Does this look cool and contemporary to you???

    Maybe some beautiful typework over the top or incorporated some how?

  2. this was just to show that i want the props on the set coloured green. i tried to find out the name of the artist we visited at the tate london, he had a room full of red objects, but no joy.

    i agree with what you said in the pitch, the set would have to be lit properly, i would like it shot without any effects.
