
Live - Greener Birmingham - Pitch_v3 posters

Live - Exhibition build - final

The exhibition in place after two days of building.

Floor bracket to support the temp wall.

Cast bracket in position on steel sections to support the temp walls and suspend the sculpture.

The sculpture in suspended position.


Live - Exhibition build - Planning

On accessing the space and requirements for the exhibition, I decided brackets were required to secure and mount the temp partition walls.

Engineering drawing supplied to steel works factory.

Brackets sourced and ordered to secure partitioning.

Costing was gained from three sources for the required materials.

Quantity of 60 steel brackets:
Quote 1 - lead-time: 7days - £60 (Stainless steel)
Quote 2 - lead-time: 10days - £50 (mild steel)
Quote 3 - lead-time: 7days - £60 (mild steel)

Partition wall (8’x4’ 12mm mdf boards x 9) to include delivery:
Quote 1 - £134.82
Quote 2 - £108
Quote 3 - £121.50

Cast brackets £54

Misc items -£100
Raw plugs

Project Budget £322 + 10% contingency = £350

Live - Exhibition build - Initial outline plans

I was asked to help build a simple exhibition layout for four local artists to exhibit their work in a local gallery. They had supplied me with some initial ideas of what they required, but had no idea of its construction or cost.

My first step was to view the room myself and establish the given dimensions for accuracy. It was also useful for me to know the type of work each artist wanted to exhibit.

Artist 1- Four large-scale canvases, two hung on temp walls, two hung on internal building walls.

Artist 2 – Several sculptures laid around the floor space, sculpture suspended from the ceiling.

Artist 3 – Several small frame drawings hung on both temp walls and internal building walls.

Artist 4 – Large-scale installation assembled by artist on site in the middle of the workspace.

I was supplied with a floor plan and sketch of the layout.


Live – Greener Birmingham – Pitch_v2 B-hive website mock-up

Live – Greener Birmingham – Pitch_v2 animations

Based on the given strap line I have constructed a series of sting animations.
Because of my current budget restraints, these stings are created using a green tint layer to simulate all props on set being painted green.

The actual photography live motion should be done WITHOUT the use of green filters or tint layers.

Live - Greener Birmingham - Pitch_v2

Taking it to the extreme – living green, my concept is to show everyday tasks being preformed by everyday people. Hopefully it will engage the viewer to relate to the situation and think how easy it will be to recycle.

All the props on the set will be green in colour i.e. clothing, utilities or painted green i.e. the actor / actress, food. The set will be lit naturally or be studio lighting if necessary, there should be NO green filters used.


Brief – Animation – Animation_v7

Whilst working with the audio for this animation I noticed how hollow it sounds. The audio will play a significant part of this animation and at the moment it does sound like it was recorded in a large open space (it was actually recorded in a large board room) rather than a close conversation between three people.

This is the original audio

This audio has been manipulated in audio software (Reason) to try and create a more personal atmosphere.

Resampled audio


Brief – Animation – Animation_v6

At the last client briefing it was suggested the three company directors would record the voices. This is the result.

Inspiration - Stink digital

Came across this animation whist looking for kinetic type.
I know this is done in 3d software but it reminded me of a 2d animation by MK12 several years ago for Diesel.
Copy the link to checkout the interactive commentary - click on the blue tabs in the timeline.


Brief - Animation – Animation_v5

I chose to record the audio conversation as the timing of the text was out.
I bribed some family members after Sunday dinner over the weekend. Thanks all.

Photography - Homage – Car haven

Found myself in a car scrap yard over the weekend. It reminded me of my first car (Ford Escort mk3) as this was a regular occurrence.

These cars once came out of the showroom as someone’s new pride and joy. They probably drove straight round to a friends house to show it off. Now they are neglected and heading for meltdown.