
FMP - Group info – Build space

I have spoken with a group of artist who have studio space for rent in the Digbeth area. This space can be used to build any structure and installations. The idea is that if we pool together, we can hire the space and all work together to develop and build our work to suite the space in London.

Also I have spoken to a carpenter who is willing to spend a day(s) at the location to help with material cutting and assembly. This can also incorporate collection of large materials from a central location and further build advice.

The costs of these are yet to be finalised but approx:
£100 / month – space
£100 / day - labour cost

Although this may seem a lot, if split between a large enough group then it can work out a lot cheaper that some of last years build cost.

FMP - Group info - Professional porfolio

I have spoken to the art supply team in the main building in regards to portfolios. They have very kindly said they will order portfolios if required (at cost) as long as they are paid for in advance. The delivery time is 3weeks. Orders can be placed individually or as a group.

Please note the price here do not inc vat.


FMP - When angels call – Page assignments v1

This is my initial thought for the layout content for my book. I am aiming to keep if to a maximum of 40 pages, although I would like to make it fewer as I do not want it to become too emotionally heavy.

FMP - When angels call – Rhubarb East Gallery

I recently visited the new Rhubarb East Gallery at the Custard factory, Birmingham.
On show were works inspired by fairy tails by The Jackson Twins & Vee Speers.

Besides the works themselves on show, what I did find interesting was the way Vee Speers displayed her work in the book form. As she is a photographer, her double page spread contained a blank white page on the left and her image on the right; the only text was placed in the front few pages and at the rear.

I thought having the spread this way drew more focus on the content of the single page.


Brief – English writing – Personal statement poster v2

Working progress design.

FMP - When angels call - Emblem

I have been looking at ways to represent myself after life. As the circle and the number 3 are significant to me I would like it to be based on these.
Here I have used my initials KRJ in different combinations.

As I am aware of the Jonathan Barnbrook design I do not want to produce something that is a mirror of his work.

I think the next stage of this development is to break the circle as a symbol of the end.


Inspiration - London – 11/03/10 V&A museum

Digital Zoetrope (2008)

The text relates to individual experiences of living in London. Voices float to the top for an instance then to be submerged again in a sea of unreadable code.

FMP - Truman basement - Security

An area has been highlighted for the suggested hideaway room for materials whilst running the exhibition over the week.

A door will need to be erected between the two walls highlighted.

Floor plan

Inspiration - London – 11/03/10 V&A museum

A look at how projectors are mounted in the museum. They tend to use dark projector housing bodies that are camouflaged in the ceiling in a dark area. This is a good way to hide them. Thin steel cables and brackets that can be adjusted to the required heights support the projectors.

Information graphics

Instead of printing posters and sticking them on the walls, a stencil or direct transferred on to surface.

Inspiration - London – 11/03/10 Truman basement

Looking around at the new London location for the exhibition I would hope to secure this location next to the window for my database display. The reason for this is I think it would be an ideal location to advertise the concept on the project to passing viewers. This would hopefully entice them to view the whole exhibition and lead them to joining the database for future information and displaying their work.


FMP - When angels call - Past photographs

iv been looking throght images i could possible use in the book - a small selection

Brief – English writing – Personal statement

FMP - When angels call - Inspiration

Paul Rand’s headstone

Described as the godfather of graphic design – Paul Rand asked the Swiss designer Fred Troller to designed him a headstone that would be different that the normal traditional memorial. The result was these two stone cubes placed on the same axis but at different orientations. The top cube is carved in a serif font with Rand’s name and dates, whilst the base cube is inscribed in Hebrew.

Jonathan Barnbrook - Dignity

Jonathan Barnbrook was commissioned to brand a funeral directors’ in Tokyo.
The identity consisted of branding marks incorporated into stationary and premises signage.

Through both of these designs I like the feel that the design is undated. These designes could have stood in a pre-lifetime and I think would stand for the next.

As I am wishing to design something I hope will not be seen for amany years in the future, I would like my final outcome to contain these principals.

I also like the simple use of colour. If I had not seen these designe I may have chosen a similar scheam, but now I have, I am considering white, red and black.

A lot similar to the branding by Barnbrook, I would like to use 3 elements on my designs. To me three represents an number of things: my initial (chosen by me), the siblings I grew up with, the family unit that defined much of my mid life thus far (myself & children), and the stages of life (birth – living - death).

FMP - When angels call - Book layouts


Photography - Homage – Car haven Contact sheets

slide film roll-1 contact sheet

negative roll-1 contact sheet

Live - Greener Birminghman - Pitch_v3 animations

FMP – When angels call - Printed books

Looking at book prices and formats that I could use for the final presentation.
I feel the format I would like to use is the 30 x 30 inch format. The reason for this is because I may be using a lot of circles in my designs (the cycle of life) and they should contrast well. If I can suitably incorporate a triangle these could reference the Bauhaus movement. I would not intend to incorporate the red, yellow and blue though. The colours I do intend on focusing on are white – birth, red – life and black – death.





Brief – Animation – Animation_v9

A first draft of the way the text logo can enter the frame to interact with the actress. This draft is compiled in After Effects, but I would like the type to be constructed in C4D.

Pull logo

Push logo